Sunday, September 10, 2006

Weekend i haven't posted in a while. Memboku it isn't really that i am busy (even though i am crazy busy), it is more that I am feeling lazy. Side effect of too much Plato.

Anyways I have had a very interesting weekend. On Saturday, I went to spend time on the National Mall for one of my friend's birthday. As we were walking up to the Lincoln Memorial, we stumbled on to a taping session for a movie. We found out that the movie is called The Kingdom and that the stars are Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Garner. And there they were. The movie itself is about Garner and Foxx who are FBI agents trying to unravel the mystery of who bombed an American building in the Middle East. My friends and I were actually in the movie because we were asked to walk in front of the camera as if we were tourists (I go to college here...i am no tourist!). So we may be in the movie if they take that shot.

I also happened upon (thanks sean) a post on the Cornell Society for Having a Good Time about woman ordinations. It seems some German bishop has started ordaining women in the US and even has a woman bishop. They still claim to be "Roman Catholic". Here is the video.

So anyways, it has been an interesting weekend. I promise i will be more regular in posting from now on. But damn do i get lazy. May the force be with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There claim of being "Roman Catholic" is just that, its only a claim. JPII wouldn't let women become priests and Benedict will be the same, rightly so.